Koliseum Soccer VR™

Reinvent Foosball in virtual reality –  Discover Koliseum Soccer VR™

Reinvent Foosball in virtual reality Discover Koliseum Soccer VR, a virtual reality gaming platform that transforms traditional foosball into a spectacular, immersive experience. This multiple award-winning game combines the nostalgic charm of foosball with cutting-edge technologies to deliver an experience full of action, emotion, tension and unexpected twists and turns

Unique features of Koliseum Soccer VR™

Nostalgia and high-tech

A perfect marriage of precision mechanics and state of the art technology infused adrenaline, offering players the classic sensations of foosball enriched by a touch of exhilarating next-gen features.

Optimized User Experience

Players are greeted by an intuitive user interface which allows them to easily choose game options, teams and even stadiums, before diving into the game.

Advanced customization

You can customize the platform and the game to suit your needs, from stadiums to animations, reinforcing your brand identity or that of your sponsors.

Online control panel

When connected online, you can chose the available teams and stadiums, change ingame advertising banners, game duration, AI difficultiy and more. You can also view usage statistics.

Koliseum Soccer VR™

Why choose Koliseum Soccer VR™ ?

Koliseum Soccer VR™ isn’t just a game; it’s an experience designed for engagement and lasting entertainment. Easy to play for novices and rewarding for experienced players, it offers gameplay that requires no prior skill. Whether for quick games with friends or organized tournaments, every session is a new adventure.

Inclusive & accessible game experience

Caters to all ages

We make sure to reach all audiences. Some individual experiences target a younger audience, while other more sophisticated games attract teens and adults. Competitive or collaborative experiences bring together groups of friends and families.

No learning curve

By choosing the most iconic and popular games of the 20th Century’s, we make sure that everyone allready has its framework in mind and can start having fun instantly and right from the start

No motion sickness

Because the user stays in the same place during the game and because the KOLISEUM™ is equipped with very powerful computers that render VR visuals in real-time, there is no motion sickness

Sanitary Measures

In view of the heightened attention and concern on hygiene issues with the use of VR technology, hereafter are presented recommended guidelines to ensure a safe and secure utilization of the VR equipment.

More information on our Sanitary Measures Page.

Since our Koliseum Soccer VR™ is not a simple copy of the traditional table soccer game, we implemented different unique features and bonuses.

Unique features:

  • The dribble Perhaps our most famous feature. You player comes off the bar and starts running towards the goal. Truly epic when mastered.
  • The lob : Press a button and the ball will go over your nearest opponent.
The game is designed to play, and have fun, without having to use any of the proposed features. However, in use, these features bring an extra “Arcade” dimenson.
AI Boots:
  • The integration of boots, allows the game to function with 1, 2 ,3 or 4 players.
Bot activation is automatic. During the game, if a player removes his VR mask, he is instantly replaced by a boot (until he returns his VR mask).

Four different bonuses:

  • The death ball : OMG. If you activated this bonus, the ball destroys everything on its path. The ones who survives have a chance of scoring in an empty goal. 
  • The shield : You’ll get a shield that will save one goal for you !
  • The multiball : Once this bonus is activated, 2 additional balls arrive on the pitch, testing your reflexes in a high intensity gameplay (You’ll play 3 balls at the same time).
  • The bouncing ball : Extra rebounds for a couple of seconds and mastering the ball becomes tricky

The bonuses appear randomly, during the matches only, by popping-up on the field. To activate them, you’ll just need to shoot them with the ball.

Beyond the obvious fun aspects, features & bonuses can significantly change the score of a match. Mastering their tactical dimension is a real advantage.

Technical specifications

  • Number of players:  1 to 4
  • Surface area required:  5,5 square meters (including players)
  • Table dimensions: 155 cm x 80 cm (125 cm with controllers) x 95 cm
  • Weight: 175 kg
  • Computer: Custom PC, 12-core CPU, 64 GB RAM, and multiple NVIDIA RTX cards
  • Connectivity: Requires Wi-Fi connection for updates and online dashboard access
  • Game duration: Adjustable by operator

Engagement and Entertainment Guaranteed

Koliseum Soccer VRis ideal for play centers, arcades, and leisure spaces looking to offer a captivating and socially enriching experience.Its ability to bring people back again and again and attract loyal customers makes it a prime investment for any commercial space.


Immerse yourself in a new dimension of the game with Koliseum Soccer VR and experience foosball like never before. Come and discover this entertainment revolution at Koliseum!